%0 Journal Article %T Jornal Pessoal: Modelo de imprensa contra-hegem£¿nica na Amaz£¿nia brasileira %A Veloso %A Maria do Socorro Furtado %A Azevedo J¨²nior %A Aryovaldo de Castro %A Pavan %A Maria £¿ngela %A Lima %A Maria ¨¦rica de Oliveira %J Observatorio (OBS*) %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the historical reconstitution of jornal pessoal is the main goal of this paper. considered as the most important and lasting experience of alternative journalism in brazilian amazon, the newspaper is lead by the journalist l¨²cio fl¨¢vio pinto. created in 1987, in bel¨¦m (state of par¨¢), it represents a model of counter-hegemonic press in brazil, during the post dictatorship period. the jornal pessoal has the absence of advertising as one of its most important characteristics. its editorial guideline is inspired in the i.f stone£¿s weekly, self-published for 19 years in u.s.a, by the journalist isidore stone. this study intends to discuss the reasons of the existence and lasting of jornal pessoal, which survives inspite of an intense campaign against it, in the court. the study also tries to demonstrate how its editor consolidates, by the newspaper, a function of public intellectual, which he incorporated after working in daily journalism for 21 years. the jp's history, its interests fields, and his concerns about the foundations and practice of journalism are the axes of this investigation, that uses documental and bibliographic research, interview and content analyses as methodological procedures. %K jornal pessoal %K alternative journalism %K amazonian press. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1646-59542011000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en