%0 Journal Article %T Ciudades tatuadas: arte callejero, pol¨ªtica y memorias visuales %A Herrera %A Martha Cecilia %A Olaya %A Vladimir %J N¨®madas %D 2011 %I Bogota : Fundacion Universidad Central %X the article analyzes the street art and the ways in which it configures memory forms and political agency in contemporary visual cultures through two questions: how do the expressions and street art aesthetics make possible the memory reconstruction? and, how do these artistic expressions bring about forms of politics? forms of street art interventions in new york, san francisco and bogot¨¢ are analyzed to give an answer. the article is a first step of a tracking about diverse cultural expressions and their forms of memory activation in urban environments as part of a broader research about memories of political violence. %K street art %K visual culture %K visual memory %K graffiti %K policies of the memory. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-75502011000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en