%0 Journal Article %T TV Camara, TV p¨²blica: As TVs legislativas brasileiras na transi£¿£¿o para a plataforma digital %A Lemos %A Cl¨¢udia Regina Fonseca %A Bernardes %A Cristiane Brum %A Barros %A Antonio Teixeira de %J Observatorio (OBS*) %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X with the migration of brazilian television to the digital platform, launched in 2006, the channels of public interest created after the cable television law (law 8.977/1995) are discussed again and organize themselves into networks. the main objective is to ensure space in the scenario of digital communications that begins to configure itself. in this paper, we examine the case of tv camara, a station of the brazilian chamber of deputies. from this experience, we discuss the characteristics and importance of the legislative channels in the field of noncommercial television, including the questions about the state systems and public broadcasting. the objective is to evaluate what kind of role is played by these stations: in which extent these channels are governmental and institutional, without autonomy and directed primarily to protect the image of the organs that keep them? could be they counted, as they intended, as vehicle of public communication, which help to broaden the democratic debate and make the institutions more subject to the control of citizens and more open to popular participation? %K brazilian public television %K tv camara %K brazilian legislative channels %K public communication. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1646-59542011000200001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en