%0 Journal Article %T Imaginarios sobre inmigraci¨®n y conocimiento experto en el contexto Espa£¿ol %A Betrisey Nadali %A D¨¦bora %J N¨®madas %D 2011 %I Bogota : Fundacion Universidad Central %X during past decades, immigration turned into a "social problem" for the spanish government, then, some mechanisms to detect, classify and organize such phenomena were required. currently, some professionals are being trained in a way that their expert knowledge makes them a reference. the aim of this article is to analyze the way in which this expert knowledge takes part in the "immigration" identification in some levels of spanish society on the one hand, and reflects about the forms in which some definitions of "culture" are mixed with those of "common sense", on the other hand, building a significant hegemonic framework that limits the social debate about "immigration" and recreates some distinctive frameworks among different social groups. %K official discourse %K power %K social problem %K common sense %K immigration %K culture. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-75502011000200015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en