%0 Journal Article %T Sociedad de la informaci¨®n: hegemon¨ªa, reduccionismo tecnol¨®gico y resistencias %A Valderrama H %A Carlos Eduardo %J N¨®madas %D 2012 %I Bogota : Fundacion Universidad Central %X this article reviews the way the so-called information society has been built, analyzing some reductionisms, which in that project, are assumed toward the technological dimension. it briefly describes the existence of resistance experiences performed by social, artistic and counter-information groups. it is conclude that in those groups, the use of tic goes beyond the plain fact of their status as artifacts, since it is the result of a complex conjunction involving technologies, political practices, and discursive practices. %K information society %K technology %K technological hegemony %K technological reductionism %K resistances. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-75502012000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en