%0 Journal Article %T Se£¿alizaci¨®n Celular en el Fol¨ªculo Antral Bovino %A V¨¢squez - Cano %A Juan F %A Olivera - A %A Martha %J ORINOQUIA %D 2010 %I Universidad de los LLanos %X antral follicle development in the ovary of female cattle is the product of a complex of endocrine, paracrine and autocrine relationships. the interactions of the pituitary gonadotropins over granulosa and theca cells prepare the follicle to produce estradiol and for the final stages of maturation of the oocyte and its potencial ovulation or atresia inside subordinate follicles. it is a dynamic event where cellular signaling patterns changes sequentially and quickly at different stages of follicular development (recruitment, selection and dominance). this model illustrates the revision of some of these interactions. %K atresia %K dominance %K gonadotropins %K igf-1 %K steroidogenesis. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-37092010000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en