%0 Journal Article %T El fen¨®meno de la migraci¨®n en aves: una mirada desde la Orinoquia %A Ocampo-Pe£¿uela %A Natalia %J ORINOQUIA %D 2010 %I Universidad de los LLanos %X migration is a phenomenon that has attracted the attention of researchers throughout the world and history of science. this biological process has been well studied in birds, however, in colombia and especially in the orinoco region, much remains unknown about these travelers. this paper presents the phenomenon of migration in neotropical birds. first of all, presents an evidence of a collection of literature on migration in birds and some of its most relevant aspects, then an analysis of this phenomenon in the region of the orinoco and proposes steps to improve the study and conservation of these birds in the country and the orinocense region. with this article we try to foccus some attention to the importance of studying migratory birds in the orinoco to design effective conservation strategies. %K birds %K colombia %K conservation %K migration %K orinoquia. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-37092010000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en