%0 Journal Article %T Formaci¨®n y producci¨®n period¨ªstica en Internet: desaf¨ªos y perspectivas en el escenario brasile£¿o %A Mendon£¿a %A Tha£¿s de %A Pereira %A F¨¢bio Henrique %A Leal-Adghirni %A Z¨¦lia %J Palabra Clave %D 2012 %I Universidad de La Sabana %X this paper discusses the job market, and analyses online and multimedia composition in brazilian cybermedia. it also reflects on the key changes that occurred in brazilian journalism with the advent of the internet, which have led to a process of journalistic deregulation through the rupture of historically construed rules, protocols and conventions. it also looks at the professional profiles emerging in this context and examines how this scenario influences the way future journalists are trained. %K online journalism %K multimedia journalism %K professional identity %K teaching journalism. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0122-82852012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en