%0 Journal Article %T Integraci¨®n del control qu¨ªmico y etol¨®gico para la supresi¨®n poblacional de Blatella germ¨¢nica (Linnaeus) (Dictyoptera: Blatellidae) en Lima, Per¨² %A IANNACONE %A JOS¨¦ %A ALVARI£¿O %A LORENA %J Parasitolog¨ªa latinoamericana %D 2007 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-77122007000100002 %X german cockroaches blatella germ¨¢nica (linnaeus, 1767) is an arthropod specie of importance in public health. effectiveness of integration chemical and ethological control for suppression ofb. germ¨¢nica was evaluated. experimental tests in a nursery school of surquillo municipality district, lima, peru were performed. first trial: two formulations of cypermethrin, wet dust and emulsify concentrate were evaluated on b. germ¨¢nica. 38 craft sticky traps impregnated with food bait were placed. counts were performed at 2 days, 5 days and 8 days, through a count of small and big nymphs, and, adult males and females. second trial: a smoking cypermethrin was evaluated. 16 craft sticky traps without natural food bait and with the same characteristics of first trial were placed. counts were performed at 10 days, through a count ofb. germ¨¢nica in two densities of infestation. third trial: susceptibility ofb. germ¨¢nica to three insecticides (cypermethrin 3%o; cypermethrin 8%o, and chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin 8%o) under laboratory conditions with two systems of application by contact: residual (impregnate with filter paper) at 3 days, 6 days, 14 days and 21 days, and direct spray at 3 days were determined. wet dust presented higher effectiveness at 8 days of exposure on b. germ¨¢nica was found. smoking cypermethrin presented effectiveness in population suppression only at low densities ofb. germ¨¢nica. at laboratory conditions at 3 days exposure, the three insecticides showed an effectiveness of 100% when were applied by spraying. residual effect of 100% at 21 days only was observed with chlorpyrifos + cypermethrin. possibilities of integration of ethological and chemical control for population supression ofb. germ¨¢nica in lima, peru were analyzed %K adult %K blatella %K chemical control %K cockroach %K ethological control %K nymph. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-77122007000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en