%0 Journal Article %T Eine analytische Ann£¿herung an das politische Delikt und seine gegenw£¿rtige Typisierung in den strafrechtlichen Ordnungen in Kolumbien und Deutschland %A Tarapu¨¦s Sandino %A Diego Fernando %J Papel Politico %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in this article you find a study about political crime as a classic in the field of criminal law. the article is structured mainly in two aspects, first you find a reflection on the general theoretical aspects of political crimes, on the other hand there is a review of comparative political crimes in the legal system of colombia and germany. in this respect, the article is divided into three sections. first, it presents a brief history on the genesis of political crime. the second part deals with general concepts to clarify and outline the various theories of political crime, especially explores the theory of politically motivated criminal. finally, a normative comparison is made between political crimes in the colombian penal code and the german stgb. overall this article is a general review of historical and conceptual basis of political crime, aimed at laying the foundations for further study in the colombian case by the author. %K political crime %K political crimes %K politically motivated criminal %K the colombian conflict %K criminality %K political asylum %K terrorism. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0122-44092010000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en