%0 Journal Article %T Purificaci車n de ant赤genos de Fasciola hepatica mediante electroeluci車n y su aplicaci車n inmunodiagn車stica mediante Western Blot en la infecci車n animal %A FREDES %A FERNANDO %A SANCHEZ %A CATHERINE %A GORMAN %A TEXIA %A ALCAINO %A HECTOR %J Parasitolog赤a al d赤a %D 2001 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0716-07202001000100004 %X two polypeptides (14 kda and 29 kda) of adult fasciola hepatica were purified by electroelution and its diagnostic application through western blot was evaluated. the value of sensitivity was 95% and 97.5%, respectively and the value of specificity was 100% in both polypeptides. these antigenic components were efficient for the diagnosis of the prepatent stage of the infection %K fasciola hepatica %K liver fluke antigens %K electroelution %K western blot %K immunodiagnosis. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0716-07202001000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en