%0 Journal Article %T ¨¦tica na pesquisa em m¨²sica: defini£¿£¿es e implica£¿£¿es na contemporaneidade %A Queiroz %A Luis Ricardo Silva %J Per Musi %D 2013 %I Escola de M¨²sica da UFMG %R 10.1590/S1517-75992013000100002 %X nowadays, discussions about research in music include a variety of issues that interrelate to the complexity and breadth of the area approaches. among the important discussions that permeate research in music, ethics in the production of the scientific knowledge of music has occupied a prominent place. focusing on this reality, this article aims at reflecting about the ethical aspects of research practice and its implications for research in music, pointing out general perspectives and guidelines that may be the basis for the activities of scholars of this area in their different fields and approaches. the work is based on a literature review and consolidated experiences of this author as a researcher and advisor of research papers in the different subfields of music. it presents conceptual aspects that underlie ethics definitions in the field of music, while highlights issues to be considered in the production and propagation of the scientific knowledge of music. %K ethics in music research %K music research in brazil. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1517-75992013000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en