%0 Journal Article %T Vacunas infantiles no financiadas: £¿cu¨¢l es la cobertura en un centro de salud urbano? %A V¨¢zquez Fern¨¢ndez %A M. E. %A Bustamante Marcos %A P. %A Herrero Breg¨®n %A B. %A Mu£¿oz Moreno %A M. F. %A Santiago Garc¨ªa %A M. de %A Barriada ¨¢lvarez %A L. %J Pediatr¨ªa Atenci¨®n Primaria %D 2012 %I Asociaci¨®n Espa?ola de Pediatr¨ªa de Atenci¨®n Primaria (AEPap) %R 10.4321/S1139-76322012000100003 %X objective: to determine the coverage rate for unfunded childhood vaccines, and whether they were administered correctly, in children seen recently at an urban healthcare center in a middle socioeconomic area. materials and methods: we performed a cross-sectional descriptive study, analyzing the pneumococcus, rotavirus, and varicella vaccination records in the computerized clinical histories of every child, seen by either of two pediatricians, who could have been given all the doses recommended for these vaccines. results: the study included 162 children of immunization age for pneumococcal disease, 112 for rotavirus, and 160 for varicella. the coverage rates for complete immunization as specified in the recommendations of the advisory committee on vaccines were 64.81%, 66%, and 58.1%, respectively. 11.73% of those who started pneumococcal vaccination and 2.68% of those who started rotavirus vaccination did not complete the recommended number of doses. there were no significant differences in vaccination rates between the two pediatricians. conclusions: we found evidence of mid-range vaccine coverage rates and incomplete vaccination courses. the financial resources of the families and the educational efforts of the nursing and pediatrics staff account for these vaccination rates. we do not know the epidemiological effect of these vaccination rates on the diseases that they are meant to prevent. we need to promote equity in healthcare services when it comes to immunizations. %K vaccination %K streptococcus pneumoniae %K rotavirus %K varicella %K vaccination coverage rates. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1139-76322012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en