%0 Journal Article %T Enfermer¨ªa pedi¨¢trica versus Enfermer¨ªa de familia: opiniones de los profesionales y los padres de los ni£¿os de San Sebasti¨¢n de los Reyes (Madrid) %A Garc¨ªa Callejo %A V. %A Dom¨ªnguez P¨¦rez %A L. %J Pediatr¨ªa Atenci¨®n Primaria %D 2012 %I Asociaci¨®n Espa?ola de Pediatr¨ªa de Atenci¨®n Primaria (AEPap) %R 10.4321/S1139-76322012000100004 %X introduction: the situation of children health care in the spanish regions is of variability and lack of a clear pattern regarding to the participation of nurses. this study was conducted to know the opinion of the professionals responsible for the child health program in a town near madrid, as well as the opinion of the parents of the involved children. material and methods: a survey was distributed to 34 nurses and 11 pediatricians (all the professionals involved) as well as to 1004 fathers/mothers of the children included. results: from the parents, 99.6% prefer a nurse exclusively dedicated to children. all pediatricians felt in the same direction. as for nursing, only 7 (20.6%) prefer a mixed system of organization ("family nursing"). conclusions: a qualified majority of the professionals and the population prefer a specific pediatric nursing model. %K nursing %K organization %K assistance %K pediatrics. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1139-76322012000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en