%0 Journal Article %T Endometriosis inguinal: evidencia de enfermedad agresiva: Informe de un caso %A MART¨ªNEZ RUIZ %A ABRAHAM %A BOLA£¿OS ANCONA %A RUB¨¦N %A ESCOBAR PONCE %A LUIS FERNANDO %A KUMAR MANGAL %A RAKESH %A FRANKLIN %A ROBERT RAY %J Perinatolog¨ªa y reproducci¨®n humana %D 2004 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X a 30 year old woman experienced chronic right sided pelvic pain, radiated to her right thigh anteriorly, constipation, dyspareunia and right inguinal tender mass, which increased in size and became painful in association with her menstruation. a diagnostic laparoscopy followed by laparotomy revealed stage iv endometriosis, with bowel involvement. extensive excision of endometriosis, rectosigmoid colon resection-anastomosis and excision of inguinal mass were performed, with histopathology confirmation of inguinal endometriotic nodule. %K endometriosis %K inguinal mass %K chronic pelvic pain %K infiltration disease. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-53372004000300006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en