%0 Journal Article %T Epilepsia em c£¿es: 66 casos (2005-2010) %A Aiello %A Graciane %A Santos %A Rosmarini P. %A Beckmann %A Diego V. %A Andrades %A Amanda O. %A Ripplinger %A Angel %A Silva %A Ana P. da %A Mazzanti %A Alexandre %J Pesquisa Veterin¨¢ria Brasileira %D 2012 %I Col¨¦gio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA %R 10.1590/S0100-736X2012000400012 %X the objective of this study was to identify dogs with epilepsy and to obtain information about breed, sex, age, classification of the epilepsy and the seizures, as well as the stage and time of occurrence of the seizures. epilepsy was primary in 66.7% (44/66) of dogs, symptomatic in 21.2% (14/66), and probably symptomatic in 12.1% (8/66). crossbred dogs (27%) were the most affected and the predominant age group ranged from one to five years; the generalized tonic-clonic seizures (66.7%) was the most frequent presentation. the search for the owner (72.7%) during the preictal period and the compulsive walking (60.5%) in post-ictal period were the more frequent signs observed in the affected dogs, and the occurrence of seizures was higher at night (79.2%). %K diseases of dogs %K epilepsy %K seizure %K neurology. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0100-736X2012000400012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en