%0 Journal Article %T Compara£¿£¿o das propriedades de sor£¿£¿o e solubilidade de cimentos submetidos a diferentes solu£¿£¿es e tempos de armazenagem %A Busato %A Priscilla do M. R. %A Oliveira %A Erika C. S. de %A Busato %A Mauro C. A. %A Mendon£¿a %A M¨¢rcio J. %A Rodrigues %A Nati¨¦li A. %A Vendrame %A Taline K. %A Camilotti %A Veridiana %J Pol¨ªmeros %D 2012 %I Associa??o Brasileira de Pol¨ªmeros %R 10.1590/S0104-14282012005000008 %X the aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro some properties of the resin cement rely x u100 (3m espe), such as the sorption and solubility in water and a solution of alcohol 75% for periods of 7 and 15 days. the 60 samples were divided into three groups according to the cement used, and then divided into four groups according to the factors evaluated, type of solution and evaluation period. the samples were standardized with 8 mm diameter and 1 mm in thickness and light cured in polyester matrix, with the excess being removed with a scalpel blade. the samples were transferred to a greenhouse at 37 ¡ãc until reaching constant mass, referred to as m1. the samples were then immersed in solutions and stored for 7 and 15 days, after which they were weighed to get the mass m2. to reach a new constant mass, referred to as m3, the samples were again treated at 37 ¡ãc. the sorption and solubility were calculated using the equations (m2-m3)/v and (m1-m3)/v, respectively. the results were subjected to a two-way anova procedure. %K luting cements %K resin modified ionomer cements %K sorption %K solubility. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0104-14282012000100012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en