%0 Journal Article %T De la biogeograf¨ªa al paisaje en Humboldt: Pisos de vegetaci¨®n y paisajes andinos equinocciales %A Mendoza %A Josefina G¨®mez %A Sanz Herr¨¢iz %A Concepci¨®n %J Poblaci£¿3n y sociedad %D 2010 %I Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales %X the current recovery of the notion of landscape as a means of comprehending the relationships between nature, society and culture in their spatiotemporal dimensions, that is, as specifi c totalities, calls for a return to its most fecund presentations, beginning with what is perhaps the most outstanding version of them all, that of alexander von humboldt. on this occasion we intend to make a reading in terms of landscape of essay on the geography of plants and of the accompanying physical tableau, the one of humboldtian works less known. we believe that our study will demonstrate that humboldt's contribution on landscape and landscapes was to a great extent contained in the initial text of geography of plants; which in turn enables us to explore the fundamental relationship between landscape and the initial development of biogeography. %K a. von humboldt %K landscape %K biogeography %K tableau %K american travel %K landcape painting. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-85622010000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en