%0 Journal Article %T REPRESENTACI¨®N ¨®RGICA: LA ONTOLOG¨ªA DE LEIBNIZ EN EL CAPITALISMO DELEUZIANO %A Ferreyra %A Juli¨¢n %J Praxis Filos¨®fica %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this article aims to research the ontological thesis under the conception that gilles deleuze puts forward of capitalism, based on the links with the deleuzian reconstruction of the "baroque" philosophy of leibniz as "orgiastic" representation. we will study a first hypothesis: that the refolds of matter lead "naturally" to souls or monads as center of convergence, which role is to give a reason for the bodies and grant the unity of representation. then we will question this hypothesis for taking for granted what it aims to demonstrate: the passage between bodies and souls. we will then present a second hypothesis, according to which the reason of the folds and pleats, of their convergence and their consistency, has its historical genesis; the sufficient reason would be the differential relation that constitutes the capitalism (dy / dx), produced by the random and contingency of universal history (the encounter of the liberated flux of work and the liberated flux of capital) and not, as leibniz wanted it for the choice of god of "the best of all possible worlds". %K deleuze %K lebiniz %K capitalism %K orgiastic representation %K fold. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-46882010000200010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en