%0 Journal Article %T El Derecho a un Juzgamiento Especializado de los J¨®venes Infractores en el Derecho Comparado %A Duce %A Mauricio %A Couso %A Jaime %J Pol¨ªtica criminal %D 2012 %I Universidad de Talca %R 10.4067/S0718-33992012000100001 %X this paper is the second part of an investigation made with the purpose of reviewing the scope of the right of juveniles to be judged by a specialized system in criminal cases in comparison with the prosecution of crimes committed by adults. the project established that there are special standards developed in the subject in international human rights law and also attempted to identify their use in national legislations in several countries. in this context, the specific goal of the paper is to analyze how this right has been introduced and the way in which high courts have developed their contents in the case law in four countries that have been very influential in the design of the new chilean juvenile system: costa rica, germany, spain and the united states of america. for that purpose the paper focuses its analysis in two main axes: strengthening of due process guarantees and aspects of procedural structure. the paper identifies several legal tools developed in the comparative law that allow fulfilling the rights of the juveniles to be judged by a specialized system. %K juvenile criminal procedure %K comparative law %K specialized judgment. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-33992012000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en