%0 Journal Article %T Informa£¿£¿o profissional e orienta£¿£¿o para a carreira mediadas por computador: uma revis£¿o da literatura %A Esbrogeo %A Marystella Carvalho %A Melo-Silva %A Lucy Leal %J Psicologia USP %D 2012 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %R 10.1590/S0103-65642012000100007 %X career information, which is one of the constituents of the career guidance process, aims at supplying data from the occupational world in order to help people make their career decision. this study aims to systematize and analyze the production of knowledge about career information based on a literature review. the data was organized into three categories as based on robinson and coll.: (1) printed resources; (2) information program and systems; and (3) internet sites. the results showed that the new information and communication technologies (ict¡¯s) together with traditional strategies constitute a way of developing career information in the context of career guidance, pose challenges and limits to be faced in an ever evolving field. the study highlights the role of professional information, with its limitations and possibilities in the brazilian context as well as in the developed countries. %K occupational guidance %K vocational guidance %K career guidance %K career information %K information systems. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0103-65642012000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en