%0 Journal Article %T Medidas operantes de limiar auditivo em crian£¿as com surdez pr¨¦-lingual, usu¨¢rias de implante coclear %A Silva %A Wagner R. da %A Souza %A Deisy das Gra£¿as de %A Bevilacqua %A Maria Cec¨ªlia %A Kimura %A M¨¢rcia Y. T. %A Lopes Jr. %A Jair %J Psicologia: Reflex£¿o e Cr¨ªtica %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul %R 10.1590/S0102-79722011000200018 %X auditory thresholds of prelingually deaf children who received cochlear implants were evaluated for the electrical stimulation to one of the medial electrodes. a go/no go operant procedure was used to teach a simple discrimination, indicated by a motor response, between the presence versus the absence of an auditory stimulus. simple discrimination was used as a baseline upon which the electrical stimulus's intensity was manipulated in a decreasing sequence followed by an increasing sequence, according to a modified psychophysical staircase method. the accuracy of responding in the presence of the electrical stimulus was reduced for all seven participants when the stimulus intensity decreased bellow a certain value and was recovered when the stimulus intensity was increased to the previous level. the experimental design allowed reliable identification of individual thresholds. the results suggest that the psychophysical paradigm in combination with the operant procedure might be useful for the evaluation of the auditory threshold for purposes of cochlear implant fitting in clinical settings. %K cochlear implant %K operant discrimination %K go [no go procedure] %K auditory threshold %K prelingual deafness %K children. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0102-79722011000200018&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en