%0 Journal Article %T O amor entre jovens em tempos de ficar: correlatos existenciais e demogr¨¢ficos %A Aquino %A Thiago Ant£¿nio Avellar de %A Gouveia %A Valdiney Veloso %A Patr¨ªcio %A Karizy Soany Costa %A Silva %A Maria Gorete Sarmento da %A Bezerra %A Jacqueline Lisete de Macedo %A Souza J¨²nior %A Valdemir Bezerra de %A Oliveira Neto %A Waldemar Moreira de %J Psicologia: Ci¨ºncia e Profiss£¿o %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S1414-98932012000100009 %X this study aimed to know the correlation between love and staying and how both are correlated to the life meaning and existential void. in addition, it tried to know evidences of factorial validity and reliability of the measure of love. the participants were 199 undergraduate students (51% women) with the mean age of 21 years. they answered the revised version of the life purpose test and the tetra-dimensional love scale (tls). results supported the adequacy of the tetra-factorial model for the tls. three of its factors (commitment, intimacy, and romantic passion) were positively associated with existential realization; intimacy did negatively with despair and existential void, and romantic passion did it with the existential void. with respect to staying, it was negatively correlated with the love factors commitment, intimacy and romantic passion. the discussion of these findings was based on logotherapy, that considers love a way to get the meaning of life. %K logotherapy %K iterpersonal interaction %K love %K affection. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1414-98932012000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en