%0 Journal Article %T Validaci¨®n de la prueba "Sentido del Trabajo" en poblaci¨®n colombiana %A Mart¨ªnez Ortiz %A Efr¨¦n %A Jaimes-Osma %A Jes¨²s Enrique %J Psicolog¨ªa desde el Caribe %D 2012 %I Universidad del Norte %X the psychometrical characteristics of validity and internal consistency of the instrument "meaning of work" as well as its dimensions experience (knowledge) and affectivity were evaluated. the test was taken by 842 employees of the operative, half and high levels of public as well as of the private sector, after its construction and revision by expert judges and pilot analysis. the final version was composed by 18 items and showed an answer level of 86,8% and an internal consistency of 0.83. an exploratory factor analysis was carried out and 3 consistent components were obtained with the foreseen theoretical structure: labor-existential confusion, vital-labor purpose and identity and labor coherence an instrument of easy applicability is presented in the individual consultation and in the collective assessment that would help in the estimate of problems related with this characteristic of human nature. %K logotherapy %K meaning of the work %K psychometrics %K test validation. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-417X2012000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en