%0 Journal Article %T La Creencia en la Justicia Inmanente Piagetiana: Un Momento en el Proceso de Apropiaci¨®n de la Creencia Ideol¨®gica en un Mundo Justo %A Barreiro %A Alicia Viviana %J Psykhe (Santiago) %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-22282009000100007 %X the belief in immanent justice was described by piaget as existing only among children, although some studies describe its presence in adults. social psychologists have identified the ideological belief in a just world, which is similar to immanent justice. moreover, this belief coexists with others forms of explaining social injustice in a polyphase cognitive process, even in adults. a study was conducted to analyze the development of immanent justice in students between 6 and 17 years old. the conclusion is that the belief in immanent justice can be seen as a justification of the belief in a just world, framed in animistic thought, and transformed during the process of development into two other forms of justification: social reciprocity and individual merit. %K immanent justice %K belief in a just world %K ideology %K polyphase cognitive process %K cognitive development. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-22282009000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en