%0 Journal Article %T Extracci¨®n autom¨¢tica de los patrones de recci¨®n de verbos de los diccionarios explicativos %A Castro-S¨¢nchez %A No¨¦ Alejandro %A Sidorov %A Grigori %J Polibits %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in this work we propose the application of symbolic methods for extraction of semantic valences of the verbs describing them under the government pattern concept of the meaning £¿text theory. the method is based on the automatic processing of the definitions of verbs used in explanatory dictionaries and the analysis of semantic relationships, as inclusion and synonymy, given among them. we believe that lexicographic definitions of explanatory dictionaries supply enough information for identifying verb actants. the obtained results show that even when it is not possible to find information related to the argument structure of verbs in the definitions, it is possible to deduce it identifying and analyzing other definitions which semantic relationships are established. %K actants %K synonyms %K subcategorization frames %K valences %K explanatory dictionaries. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1870-90442012000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en