Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering
ISSN Print: 2234-8972
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Journal of International Council on Electrical EngineeringISSN Print: 2234-8972 ISSN Online: 主页:
Compensation Method of Communication Delays and Failures to ReducePower Fluctuations in Micro GridJumpei Baba,Jun Tamura,Ken-Ichi Kondo
A new three-phase rectifier circuit using the partial switching strategy for a high power factor and a harmonic restraintHikaru Aoki,Kenji Amei,Kyohei Kiyota,Riku Furukawa,Takahisa Ohji
A study on maintenance decision support for power grid components using their inspection and maintenance recordsHironobu Shimasaki,Hirotaka Takano,Hisao Taoka,Shiomi Ryuhei