Politics, Philosophy & Economics
ISSN Print: 1470-594X
ISSN Online: 1741-3060
主页: https://journals.sagepub.com/loi/ppea
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Politics, Philosophy & EconomicsISSN Print: 1470-594X ISSN Online: 1741-3060 主页: https://journals.sagepub.com/loi/ppea
Is it unjust that elderly people suffer from poorer health than young people? Distributive and relational egalitarianism on ageKasper Lippert-Rasmussen
The limits of commodification arguments: Framing, motivation crowding, and shared valuationsNatalie Gold
Just wealth transfer taxation: Defending John Stuart Mill’s schemeCornelius Cappelen,J?rgen Pedersen
Dividing the indivisible: Apportionment and philosophical theories of fairnessConrad Heilmann,Stefan Wintein