Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia Política
ISSN Print: 0797-9789
ISSN Online:
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Revista Uruguaya de Ciencia PolíticaISSN Print: 0797-9789 ISSN Online: 主页:
Incorporating tax structure to theory: analysis of the fiscal reforms in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (1990-2008)Tejera,Rafael;
"Together but not married": the effects of constitutional reform inside political partiesVairo,Daniela;
Weakening of the demographic effect and consolidation of a new party system: evidence for the 2009 Uruguayan electionsDe Armas,Gustavo;
Between legitimacy and efficacy: reform in presidential election systems in Latin AmericaBuquet,Daniel;
The left wing in office: continuity or change in welfare policies?Midaglia,Carmen; Antía,Florencia;