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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Pedagogicka Orientace
ISSN Print: 1211-4669
ISSN Online:
Vizuální akty ve vyukové komunikaci. / Visual acts in instructional communication.
Roman ?va?í?ek
Zuzana ?alamounová
Cesty ke zkoumání vyuky tělesné vychovy: vyznam Analyzy didaktické interakce (ADI) a její modifikace (MADI). / Approaches to analysing instruction in physical education: The analysis of didactical interaction (ADI) and its modification (MADI).
Vladislav Mu?ík
Vladimír Süss
Jana ?afa?íková
Zdenka Marvanová
Podiel osobnostnych a interpersonálnych inite ov na vysvetlení sociálnej pohody u ite ov. / The share of personal and interpersonal factors in explaining social well-being of teachers.
Anna Janovská
O?ga Orosová
Korpusová analyza jazykové p esnosti v písemném projevu student angli tiny jako cizího jazyka. / A corpus-based analysis of EFL learners’ accuracy in writing.
Franti?ek T?ma
K vyzvám spole nosti vědění adresovanym kole. / The role of school in the knowledge society and the consequences of social changes for school.
Petra Valentová
Neviditelná skupina aneb Co s postdoktorandy? / The invisible group, or what to do with postdocs?
Ji?í Mare?
Skryté kurikulum vo svetle metodologického holizmu a metodologického individualizmu. / Hidden curriculum in the light of methodological holism and methodological individualism.
Luká? Bomba
K rozvoji interkulturní komunika ní kompetence student u itelství anglického jazyka. / Intercultural Communicative Competence development in ELT students.
Klára Kostková
Já jako u itelka: profesní sebepojetí studentky u itelství v posledním ro níku pregraduální p ípravy. / My teacher self: Professional self-concept of a student teacher in the last year of undergraduate training.
Comparison of the professional activities of Slovak, Czech and Polish teachers at primary school level
Simoneta Babiaková
Visuals for teaching culture: an analysis of German as a second language textbooks
Karolína Pe?ková
Pupils laugh at teachers: the forms and functions of teacher-focused school humour
Klára ?e?ová
Changes in thinking about pupil participation: Foreign inspiration
Jitka Vidláková
Sociálně-psychologické aspekty volby technického a humanitního studijního zamě ení p i tranzici ák do maturitních obor na st edních kolách. / Social-psychological aspects of choosing technical study fields and humanities completed with school-leaving examination in the pupils’ transition to upper-secondary schools.
Petr Hla?o
Ji?í Balcar
Sou asná teorie a praxe dějepisného vzdělávání na kolách. / Current theory and practice of history education in Czech schools.
Bla?ena Gracová
Denisa Labischová
Multikulturalita Ruské federace a její re lexe ve kolním vzdělávání. / Multiculturalism of the Russian Federation and its reflection in school education.
Věra Je?ková
Pedagogical content knowledge and mathematics education of teachers
Franti?ek Ku?ina
Organisational learning in professional discourses.
Bohumíra Lazarová
Milan Pol
Lenka Hlou?ková
Petr Novotny
Traktát o vybranych problémech teorie a praxe v oblasti pedagogickych věd. Treatise on selected problems of theory and practice in the area of educational sciences.
Ko?a Jaroslav
Mezi praxí a teorií v u itelském vzdělávání: na okraj eského p ekladu knihy F. A. J. Korthagena et al. Between practice and theory in teacher education: notes on the Czech translation of Korthagen et al.’s book.
Slavík Jan
Janík Tomá?
Najvar Petr
Pí?ová Michaela
Representations of content: psychological foundations and didactical background
Tomá? Janko
P ed kolní vzdělávání v eské republice pohledem pedagogického vyzkumu. / Pre-primary education in the Czech Republic: a review of educational research
Zora Syslová
Veronika Najvarová
Empiricky vyzkum vzdělávání: vysta í na e stávající p ístupy zítra? / Empirical educational research: Will our current approaches be sufficient tomorrow?
Manfred Prenzel
Lower secondary school pupils’ perception of chemistry
Milan Kubiatko
Kate?ina ?vandová
Ji?í ?ibor
Ji?í ?koda
Themes of cultural-historical heritage and animation methods in art education present in teachers questionnaire statements
Zuzana Pechová
Teachers’ professional vision: exploring and clarifying the concept
Eva Mina?íková
Tomá? Janík
Teacher self-efficacy in instruction and in parent involvement
Peter Gavora
Jana Majer?íková
Tacitní znalosti jako most mezi teorií a praxí v pedagogické p ípravě budoucích u itel . Tacit knowledge as a bridge between theory and practice in the domain-general aspect of teacher education.
?vec Vlastimil
Climate of mathematics through English instruction (CLIL method)
Helena Binterová
Mana erské rozhodování p i ízení kvality koly. The managerial decision-making in school quality management
Voda Jan
"Co doopravdy jest" aneb vztah teorie a praxe ve vytvarné vychově. “What really is” or the relationship between theory and practice in Art lessons.
?obáňová Petra
Pedagogicky dualizmus teoretického a praktického: historické pozadie a sú asné ilúzie. Pedagogical dualism of theory and practice: historic background and current illusions.
Vi?ňovsky Emil
Ka??ák Ondrej
Pupala Branislav
Rozumění pedagogickému jsoucnu: k duchovní obnově pedagogiky a kol. Understanding pedagogical existence: Contribution to the spiritual renewal.
Ries Lumír
The issue of theory and practice in pedagogy
Josef Maňák
Love and Prosociality
Lumír Ries
Pragmatism: Philosophical platform for mixed methods research
Eva Slo?ilová
The transformation of the educational system in Slovakia after 1989 on the example of primary education and primary teacher education
Beata Kosová
?tefan Porubsky
Mathematics education and its changes
Na?a Stehlíková
Experiential reflective learning and comfort zone
Jan Nehyba
Pupils’ use of behavioural alteration techniques
Zuzana Makovská
Criteria of school quality from the view of the Czech School Inspection and Quality Management Systems ISO and CAF
Ilona Jire?ková
The multifaceted phenomenon of animation: Analysing the background and aims of different types of animations
Anna Dudová
Michal Kaplánek
Richard Mack?
Opportunities to develop language skills in Czech lower-secondary English classes: Separated or integrated approach?
Simona ?ebestová
Petr Najvar
Tomá? Janík
Curriculum reform in Czech upper-secondary comprehensive Schools: Research findings and recommendations
Tomá? Janík
Petr Knecht
Petr Najvar
Michaela Pí?ová
What is didactics of history (today)?
Zdeněk Bene?
On the necessity for a third generation in mixed method design, theory, and research: overcoming the burden of the incompatibility thesis between qualitative and quantitative research
Manfred Max Bergman
Foreign language didactics: Identity questions
Michaela Pí?ová
Outdoor schools: Limits and dilemmas
Irena Smetá?ková
Neoliberalism in education: Five images of critical analyses
Ondrej Ka??ák
Branislav Pupala
The role of pragmatic competence in teaching Czech as a foreign language and social identity formation
Martina Hrdá
Radim ?íp