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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Intersexualidad, necesidad del cambio en el paradigma de atención: need of change in the care paradigm

Keywords: health team-patient-family relation, medical management, care form, health services, intersexuality, sexual development disorder.

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introduction: the approach and clinical treatments of intersexuality is a complex and deep subject, it is also a field characterized by debates and controversies where still there are features to be elucidate in relation to current paradigm of health care. the prescription of surgical and hormonal therapies from early stages of life is regulated acquiring special relevance the experiences and situations related to the health services. objectives: to describe the experiences of persons diagnosed with sexual development disorders in health services and from their perspective, to characterize the relation physician-patient and the health care form. methods: present study uses as qualitative methodology the interview intimately and included 20 persons with the abovementioned diagnosis. the corresponding analysis of the technique used was carried out finishing with the triangulation of updated bibliography information and a multidisciplinary analysis. ethical features were well established and applied. results: around the half of subjects gave up the health services due to disappointment and hopelessness. in medical and paramedical actions a iatrogenesis was identified. the medicine process was expressed in the speech and in the applied medical procedures and interventions. the relation physician-patient was very significant in the life of many persons, however, the relation nature was vertical and unidirectional, characterized by the medical and family secret. the alienation experiences were related to the role played in the institutional environment and to the power lack of balance in the relation with the health provider. conclusions: there are deficiencies in care form and breaches among the services offered and the personal needs and expectations of health care. the algorithm giving guidelines for the behavior to follow neither has achieve the integral attention for the interdisciplinary team nor the psychological support to family from the firsts moments of diagnos


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