PRE-DISTORSIóN DIGITAL ADAPTATIVA PARA LINEALIZACIóN DE AMPLIFICADORES EN SISTEMAS OFDMDOI: 10.4067/S0718-13372005000300008 Keywords: pre-distortion, amplifiers, signal processing, non-linear systems, ofdm. Abstract: many of the new digital communication standards, conceived to overcome the ever greater demands on bit rate capacity and spectral efficiency, consider the use of non-constant amplitude modulations such as m-qam in ofdm formats. one of the major limitations on the performance of such systems is the non linear distortion typically introduced by high power amplifiers (hpa) in the transmission chain. this paper summarizes the proposal of a new signal processing algorithm for the adaptive estimation of the complex gain characteristic of a nonlinear hpa, in a pre/post-distortion scheme. some simulation results are presented in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this linearization procedure and future related research to consider.