Revista INVI 2009
CALIDAD DE VIDA Y MEDIO AMBIENTE URBANO: INDICADORES LOCALES DE SOSTENIBILIDAD Y CALIDAD DE VIDA URBANADOI: 10.4067/S0718-83582009000100003 Keywords: sostenibilidad, calidad de vida, indicadores, agenda 21, participación, sustainabiuty, quality of life, indicators, agenda 21, participation. Abstract: this article begins with the premise that the sustainahility paradigm demands a system of ascertainment and assessment of objectives and sustainahility programs as systems' indicators. for this purpose sets sustainahility within the quality of urban life framework. it describes the different indicators using local sustainahility indicators analysis examples from agendas 21 of the spanish municipalities. it ends with a comment on the city conception as satisfier, proposing a system of indicators that goes beyond the sectorial urban indicators usage.