Insulinorresistencia y su relación con medidas antropométricas y presión arterial en un grupo de empleados hospitalarios, aparentemente sanosKeywords: cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, cardiovascular risk factors. Abstract: according to 2008 data from the ministry of public health of the province of misiones, cardiovascular disease is the main cause of mortality in that province, with a proportional mortality ratio of 28.3 %, and with a process known as arteriosclerosis as the main responsible factor. arteriosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory process where endothelial dysfunction plays a major role. insulin resistance (ir), described as a condition in which there is a decrease in the biological function of insulin and high plasma levels of insulin are required to maintain metabolic homeostasis, promotes atherosclerotic development and its presence is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. our aim was to determine the frequency of hyperinsulinemia and ir in a group of employees at the public provincial hospital dr. ramón madariaga, to correlate ir with age, blood pressure, general and abdominal obesity and to evalúate our subjects' performance using the homa índex. one-hundred and seventy subjects of both genders (134 females and 36 males) with an age range between 27 and 74 years oíd were studied. participation in the trial was voluntary and written consent was obtained using an authorization model based on the declaration of helsinki. weight, height and waist circumference data were recorded under who standards. subjects were classified as normal, overweight and obese depending on their body mass índex. blood pressure was measured with a mercury sphygmomanometer and following the american heart association recommendations. blood samples were collected after 8 hours of fasting and glucose was measured by enzymatic colorimetric methods (cv = 2.38 %). insulin was measured by radioimmunoanalysis (cv=8 %). the internal quality control was performed with a serum pool prepared in the laboratory, and the external quality control was carried out with controls provided by the argentine biochemical foundation. all the statistical analyses were performed using the epiinfo 2