LECHE DE CAMELLO: CARACTERíSTICAS Y PERSPECTIVAS PARA USO EN CLíNICADOI: 10.4067/S0717-75182011000200011 Keywords: camel's milk, diabetes, milk allergy, mmunoglobulins. Abstract: camels are good milk producers and the selected animals are as good as the top cows for milk production. the camel milk has features that make it not only good as a supplement in the diet of humans, but in certain conditions such as allergies (does not contain beta-lactoglobulin, the cow's milk most important allergenic protein), lactose intolerance, general infections, diabetes, and even could be considered useful in the diet of patients with autism. its use is, unfortunately, restricted to some populations where this animal is native. by its chemical composition does not clot in an acidic environment; it is rich in insulin, contains small dimeric immunoglobulins which suggest its use in molecular engineering. in conclusion, for its usefulness, camel farming should be encouraged, since these animals may become endangered animals.