Revista de Pedagogía 2008
El trabajo de Licenciatura como medio para develar el perfil del egresado en educación mención física: Un análisis de textosKeywords: bachelor?s theses, professional profile, text analysis, training teachers of physics. Abstract: this study aims to define those features that would enable us to ascertain the profile of graduates in education, specializing in physics from the cooperative teacher training agreement at the universidad central de venezuela. to achieve this, we established the thesis presented before graduation as an internal means of collecting information as to the distinguishing features of the career itself. this profile is made up of features related to knowledge, skills, abilities and values which should be made part of the training given to future graduates. through an analysis of the content and discourse of the texts that make up the thesis, the features that make up the graduate profile were studied both quantitively and qualitatively. as a result, it was found that most graduates (authors of the theses) possess these traits similarly to those indicated by the theoretical profile.