BIODESINFECCIóN DE SUELOS CON CO-PRODUCTOS DE CIKRON-H. EFECTO SOBRE EL CULTIVO1Keywords: meloidogyne incognita, saprophytic nematodes, solanum lycopersicum, lactuca sativa, rhizophora mangle. Abstract: the effect of the soil bio-disinfection, using cikron-h by-products, on the growth of potted lactuca sativa var bss and solanum lycopersicum l. var. campbell-28 in a cropping succession was evaluated. cikron-h by-product was incorporated to the soil in a dose of 3kg.m2of soil-1. a population of meloidogyne incognita kofoid y white (chitwood) was inoculated to the soil, in a dose of five infestive juveniles-eggs.g-1 of soil, to corroborate the root-knot nematode suppressive effect of cikron-h by-product. a completely randomized design with six treatments and five replications each was used. the total population of saprophytic nematodes after and before bio-disinfection was also recorded. soil bio-disinfection did not affect the plant growths. the reduction of m. incognita infective juveniles in soil and root gall index were observed. it corroborates the nematicidal effect of cikron-h by-product against this population. the saprophytic nematode populations increased after bio-disinfection.