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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Luto pela morte de um filho: utiliza??o de um protocolo de terapia cognitivo-comportamental

DOI: 10.1590/S0101-81082010000300008

Keywords: attitude to death, cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, thanatology, death.

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objective: to describe the case of a patient treated for grief and bereavement for a child using a cognitive-behavioral treatment protocol. case description: female patient, 28 years old, married, who had lost her older son in an accident 6 weeks prior to the first treatment session. the protocol comprised 12 sessions and involved treatment of cognitive and emotional symptoms, the learning of new abilities, development of strategies to deal with the main somatic complaints and training aimed at the handling of behavioral problems. results were evaluated using the following instruments: beck depression inventory (bdi), beck anxiety inventory (bai), beck hopelessness scale (bhs), concentrated and sustained attention tests, and goldberg's general health questionnaire (gghq). comments: the patient presented an improvement of depression, anxiety and hopelessness symptoms. all the factors assessed by the gghq decreased, whereas concentrated and sustained attention presented an increase in measurements. the treatment protocol adopted proved to be effective based on the factors assessed.


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