LAS PROFESIONES "ANáLOGAS" EN EL DELITO DE EJERCICIO ILEGAL DE LA MEDICINA DEL ARTíCULO 313 A) DEL CóDIGO PENAL CHILENO: PROPUESTA PARA SU DETERMINACIóNDOI: 10.4067/S0718-97532012000100006 Keywords: illegal practice of the profession, medicine, intrusion, similar professions, analogical interpretation. Abstract: article 313 a) of the penal code punishes the illegal practice of medical professions and as such provides expressly described in the type and all those that are "similar" as to engage with "the science and art of healing and guard against human diseases". the accuracy of this crime presents several problems and one of the most important is precisely the extent of this illegal practice in an era characterized by the increasing diversity of professions that are related to health care. hence, this study, in a way to limit the criminal scope, it is about to build certain criteria to serve as a guide in determining those professions that are "similar" and therefore capable of being performed illegally under article 313 a).