ALGUNOS PROBLEMAS RELATIVOS A LA DISOLUCIóN Y LIQUIDACIóN DE LA SOCIEDAD CONYUGAL: UNA ESPECIAL REFERENCIA AL PACTO DE SUSTITUCIóN DE RéGIMENDOI: 10.4067/S0718-97532011000200002 Keywords: marital society, marital society dissolution, community, adjudication, regime substitution pact. Abstract: this article goes through some of the problems regarding the dissolution and liquidation of the marital society that have been brought up in the doctrine and jurisprudence, limiting our analysis to three aspects: nature of the remaining community to the dissolution of the marital society; reach of the retroactive effect of the adjudication in the dissolution of the marital society, and some issues relative to the act of regime substitution of article 1723 of the civil code.