AISLAMIENTO E IDENTIFICACIóN DE MICROORGANISMOS ENTéRICOS EN MUESTRAS AMBIENTALES Y CLOACALES EN Crocodylus intermedius Y TESTUDINES DE LA ESTACIóN DE BIOLOGíA TROPICAL ROBERTO FRANCO EN VILLAVICENCIO, COLOMBIAKeywords: ebtrf, enteric flora, environmental, cloacae, crhomagar orientationbd?, zoonoses. Abstract: enteric microorganisms has been reported as pathogens for mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles and humans, in spite of being part of the normal intestinal flora. the estación de biología tropical roberto franco (ebtrf), leads the program of recovery of the caiman llanero which is in imminent extinction danger and also it has an alive collection of testudines with more than 20 species. with the purpose of evidencing the presence of potential enteropathogens in the habitat of the animals, we collected 129 environmental and cloacae samples from the animals of the station and we proceeded to use chromagar orientationbd? to isolate and identify enteric microorganisms. the results show a higher prevalence of gram negative flora with predominance of escherichia coli (28%), klebsiella sp (26%), salmonella sp (6%), proteus sp (3%), and citrobacter sp (1%). in spite enterococcus sp. (gram positive) was present in a bigger percentage (31%) in all the samples without be important the origin of themselves. aware of the risk for zoonotic microorganisms we beginning to the implementation of a biosecurity manual for the station and this way to reduce all risk for the animal and human population.