Morfología de las vías urinarias de la baba macho (Caiman crocodilus crocodilus)Keywords: urinary pathways, histology, caiman crocodilus crocodilus. Abstract: a study was conducted with the purpose of establishing the morphologic characteristics of the urinary pathway of the male spectacled caiman (caiman crocodilus crocodilus). a total of nine adult caimans were used. samples of the urinary tract were collected and stained with hematoxilyn-eosin and mallory?s trichromic stains. the results of the present study reveal that the presence of a muscular layer, departing from the collecting tubules, could be associated to the need of mobilizing small amounts of urine loaded with precipitated urates, by means of peristaltic movements, which may be associated with the need of this reptile of producing reduced volumes of isosmotic urine. this would lead to a reduction of fluid loss at a renal level. this possibly implies the secretion of mucines along the urinary tract, as a facilitator mechanism for the transport of precipitated urates.