Fórmula dietética institucional para trabajadores amparados por la Ley de Alimentación del TrabajadorKeywords: dietetic formula, energetic requirement, physical activity, workers. Abstract: the objective is to demonstrate the importance has the application the diet formula institutional (idf), using results obtained in a sample, which are reliable and allow you to infer the idf for the population of workers, beneficiaries of food law for workers, adopted according to gazette official no 38.094 of the bolivarian republic of venezuela, dated 27 december 2004; and its regulations, approved accor-ding to official gazette no 38.426 dated 28-04-06, decree no 4.448 of the 25-04-06, which requires companies to pro-vide the beneficiaries to the least a daily meal according to energy and nutrient requirements for the venezuelan popu-lation. the variables were considered: age, sort, activity and energetic requirement; a population of 1644 workers and workers of a company studied, classified according to the type of made work, as well as 1038 workers and workers of a b company, with four seats. a probabilistic sample of 150 of the first company with the aim was selected to verify the trustworthiness of the results based on this sample, com-pared the result obtained for the population and the sam ple, by means of test t of student, and one was that p are statisti-cally no significant differences (p > 0,05). ave rages by sort were compared the requirements and by activity, by means of the application of the test t and the dif ef rences they were statistically significant (p < 0,05). one concludes that the idf is valid and the results obtained from a probabilistic sample are reliable.