Sanidad Militar 2012
Evaluación positiva de medicamentos: 2o Trimestre 2012DOI: 10.4321/S1887-85712012000300009 Keywords: axitinib, inlyta, aclidinio bromuro, eklira, bretaris genuair, glicopirronio, enurev, seebri, tovanor, breezhaler, catridecacog, novothirteen, ceftarolina fosamil, zinforo, cobre (64cu) cloruro de, cuprymina, dapaglifocina, forxiga, ferumoxytol, rienso, ivacaftor, yervoy, linagliptina/metformina hidrocloruro, jentadueto, perampanel, fycompa, ruxolitinib, jakavi, teduglutida, revestive. Abstract: the drugs assessed by the spanish agency for medicines and health products made public in the second quarter of 2012, and considered of interest to the healthcare professional, are reviewed. these are positive technical reports prior to the authorization and placing on the market of the product.