Controle migratório europeu em território africano: a omiss?o do caráter extraterritorial das obriga??es de direitos humanosDOI: 10.1590/S1806-64452009000100010 Keywords: migration control, european union, human rights, extraterritoriality, africa. Abstract: the legal instruments adopted by the european union (eu) to ensure free movement within the territory of the member states are closely linked to the control of the external borders. over the past ten years, eu member states have created various mechanisms to prevent, control, and punish irregular immigration to the european community, whose migration model is characterized by an instrumental vision that cheapens the value of fundamental rights and reduces the low-skilled labor migration needed by the labor market. from there, eu states derive laws that recognize rights according to the person's nationality and immigration status. in this context, this paper will analyze, with a focus on human rights and from physical, symbolic, political, and legal points of view, what is supposedly a radical "advance" of this process of externalization: the operations created to impede migration of people in "canoes" or "boats" to europe from the coasts of countries like morocco, algeria, senegal or mauritania.