Toxicodependências 2010
Uso de crack na cidade de S?o Paulo / BrasilKeywords: addiction, use of crack, ethnography, public health. Abstract: crack is a psychoactive substance derived from cocaine paste. it has a very high potential of addiction due to the peculiar combination of pharmacological and sociocultural effects implied in its use. facing the increase of the use of crack in brazil, this article aims to contribute to the understanding of the daily life of crack users of downtown s?o paulo known as crackolandia. the data presented were part of a doctoral dissertation, which adopted an ethnographic description to describe the users? profile, social patterns and the relationship between the drug use and self-care. the data analysis of the field diary suggested a strong relationship between the social context and use pattern of crack. the majority was homeless and presented a compulsive pattern of use putting as secondary self-care and other basic functions due to the frenetic consumption of the drug.