PECES DULCEACUíCOLAS COMO ALIMENTO FUNCIONAL: PERFIL DE áCIDOS GRASOS EN TILAPIA Y BOCACHICO CRIADOS EN POLICULTIVOKeywords: dha, epa, omega 3, omega 6, sensory profile. Abstract: to evaluate the effect of two feeding strategies and the presence of substrate for periphyton on the fatty acid profile, sensory and microbiological characteristics in tilapia and bocachico fillets, we performed a polyculture under a 2x2 factorial design with 3 replicates. the first factor with two levels, a1: food with 20% crude protein [cp] and a2: a meal plan with decreasing levels of pb, (38, 32, 24 and 20%). the second factor b1 substrate and b2 absence of substrate for periphyton. at the end of the cultivation of eight months were analyzed both fish fillets. all samples met the standard microbiological parameters as invima. the sensory panel found no significant differences between treatments. there was no effect of the presence of substrate on fatty acid profile in fish. in tilapia, the feeding strategy had effect on fatty acid profile, not in bocachico. ω-6/ω-3 ratio was 0.7 ± 0.12 in bocachico, in tilapia was 3.9 ± 1.2 and 0.7 ± 0.007 for periphyton. ω-6/ω-3 ratio was less than 1 and the presence of dha and epa, bocachico can be identified as a functional food. periphyton showed high levels of ala, which makes it an appropriate source for fish. tilapia has a higher ratio of ω-6/ω-3, but with good levels of dha and epa.