UTILIZACIóN DEL SUBPRODUCTO DE FIQUE: LICOR VERDE, COMO CONTROLADOR DE PLAGAS EN EL CULTIVO DE REPOLLO (Brassica oleracea)Keywords: furcraea sp, application, juice fique. Abstract: the cabbage (brassica oleracea) pest controlling effect of furcrea sp. extracts was evaluated a the 'la florida' forestal nursery of the corporación autónoma del cauca. four treatmens were applied (control, extract solutions at 30, 20 and 10 v/v %. plant vigour, height, pest and disease damage data were collected during a six weeks period. the extract applications were made once during the first three weeks, and the three following applications were twice a week. results were analyzed by an anova (p < 0,05) and a tuckey test, using spss15. the analysis reveals that the 30 v/v % furcraea solution applied twice a week resulted as the best pest control method minimizing damage by pieris sp., plutella xylostella, brevicoryne brassicae and myzus persicae.