Colombia Forestal 2012
GENERACIóN DE PATRONES DE CORTE A PARTIR DE LA PROGRAMACIóN MATEMáTICA PARA LA PLANIFICACIóN TáCTICA-OPERATIVA DE ASERRíOS MADEREROSKeywords: algorithm, waste, cutting patterns, pinus caribaea, linear programming. Abstract: this paper proposes a methodology for generating optimal cutting patterns in sawmills operations that minimize waste production. firstly, a linear programming model was used to generate patterns of feasible and optimal cuts for different diameter classes. secondly, a model which assigns efficient cutting patterns based on the supply and demand of the timber yard was employed. a total of 42 cutting patterns were assessed with a utilization level of 79 %. levels of loss were around 25 % depending on the characteristics of the raw material.