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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Corrosion of Water Pipes: a Comprehensive Study of Deposits

DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2012.115034, PP. 479-492

Keywords: corrosion, water distribution system, brown deposits, iron oxides, bio-film.

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Corrosion scales play an important role in modifying water quality in drinking water distribution systems. The corrosion scales from old water pipe lines were analyzed for their structure and composition. This paper presents the results of comprehensive study of deposits found in water distribution system of Ulhasnagar city of Maharashtra, India. Scales were investigated by XRD, FTIR, SEM and ED’s analytical techniques. It was found that goethite, magnetite, lepidocrocite, hematite and Akaganite were identified as the primary constituents of brown deposits. The corrosion scales had a shell-like, enveloping layer, covering porous deposits of iron oxide phases. Our studies were able to identify important constituents of three different pipes of water distribution systems. Akaganite was found to be present in chloride environment. Along with iron hydroxide phases it was found that corrosion product also contain some organic matter which may be due to adsorption of biofilm on the surface of pipe. Further studies are needed to establish the role of corrosion scales in the mechanism of iron release from corroded pipes.


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